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The Future of Money: What Every Finance Executive Needs to Know

In this impactful keynote, Henri takes the audience into a journey from the history to the future of money. He starts with the history of money, from the origins of money and the early forms of money like cattle and cowrie shells to the gold standard and the move to fiat currencies to show that what we have accepted as money has evolved over the years.

He then discusses some major developments, from stable coins and CBDCs to DeFi and Web3, and their impact on financial institutions and the monetary policy more broadly. He then brings it all together to try to make the audience imagine what the future of money may look like and what the impact could be not only on the financial services but the business world more broadly.

Henri uses videos and leverages his natural high energy style to awaken the audience and make them reflect on the game changing impact that digital assets will have on the future of finance and money.

Length: Available in formats from 15 to 45 minutes

Can include videos

Can be tailored for beginners or advanced audiences

Customised length and areas of focus can be tailored upon demand


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